If you received a Las Vegas Eviction on or after after October 1, 2017; you may file a motion to seal your eviction. Nevada’s applicable law is NRS 40.2545.

Your eviction may be sealed for one of four reasons:
1) Your summary eviction was DENIED by the judge;
2) An order dismissing the case was entered;
3) Your landlord agrees to set aside the eviction and seal the case; and
4) You file a motion to seal the eviction in the interests of justice, and those interests are not outweighed by the public’s interest in knowing about the case.
The 4th reason is the toughest reason because it requires the judge’s discretion to seal the eviction. The judge will consider the following three criteria in whether to seal your eviction or not:
1) Circumstances beyond your control that led to your eviction;
2) Extenuating circumstances under which the eviction order was granted; and
3) The amount of time that has passed since your eviction was granted.
There is also a 71 dollar filing fee.
After the motion is filed properly, the judge may grant the motion with or without a hearing. Keep in mind, the judge may deny the motion as well. If the motion to seal the eviction is granted, all proceedings in the eviction case are deemed to never have occurred.

If you need a lawyer to file your motion to seal your eviction and argue for you, contact our firm today at 702-895-9111 to schedule a free consultation.
Our fee starts at $980 plus cost for Las Vegas eviction sealing. Payment plans are available.