HIGH BAC CONSEQUENCES .18 OR ABOVE If you are charged with a DUI in Nevada and your BAC level is .18 or above, you will be hit with additional requirements due to your high BAC. If convicted, the judge will order you to attend an alcohol/drug evaluation to determine if you are an abuser of drugs or alcohol. The evaluation will most likely recommend additional

SUSPENDED JAIL SENTENCES Many cases result in a plea agreement or deal, with the prosecutor and you agreeing to impose a “suspended sentence.” You will typically hear a 30 day or 180 day suspended sentence in misdemeanor cases. You will enter your plea of no contest or guilty, and ask the judge to suspend your sentence. If the judge agrees, he or she will accept

DUI CHECKPOINTS LAS VEGAS Metro Announced that the “Holiday Season Kickoff Checkpoint” will be conducted Wednesday November 18, 2015 and Thursday November 19, 2015 between 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. Metro will conduct the checkpoint at a location that has consistently shown to be high traffic area for accidents and impaired drivers. The exact location is unknown at this time, but my beats are somewhere

DUI Cost Las Vegas After you have been arrested for a DUI in Las Vegas one of the first things that comes to mind is “I need a Lawyer.” After that is “How much is this going to cost me?” The cost of a DUI in Las Vegas range greatly depending on the severity and jurisdiction. There are your upfront cost, court cost and long

If you are accused of a DUI you should strongly consider hiring an attorney who handles DUIs. You could be facing jail, prison, suspended driving privileges, fines, mandatory classes, suspended jail sentences, interlock devices, SCRAM devices, AA, drug testing, counseling, higher insurance and more. You do not know if you have a good case or not. An attorney can spot issues that an ordinary person

Over the years I have had clients come to me with traffic warrants and lengthy bad-driving records. Some of the things that I have noticed are that many of these convictions or fines could have been reduced or eliminated. It does not cost much to hire an attorney to handle most moving violation in Las Vegas, so spend a little to ensure you do not