Posted by Adam Graves

New DUI Driver’s License Penalties

Senate Bill 259 has passed and  will become law on October 1, 2018.  This law makes it harder for DUI offenders to obtain a driver’s license and operate a vehicle without a breath interlock device.  The 2 biggest changes are the following: DUI 1st offenders will now have their driver’s license revoked for 185 days.  It was and will remain 90 days until October 1,

Two new laws just recently passed and were signed by our Governor giving those with criminal records more options to seal their record.  The waiting period will be shorter on how long you will have to wait to seal your record and people who would of been denied before, may have the ability to seal their record now in some cases. See Assembly Bill 327

If you received your signed Order to seal your criminal record, you still have more steps to take.  You will need to get certified copies of the Order to seal and send the Orders to all the agencies that have your criminal history. The most common places that you will need to send your Order are to the arresting agency, DA or City Attorney office, the actual

If you completed Veteran’s Court and received a dismissal, you probably are eligible to seal your record of this offense.  However, most courts do not do this for you.  You will still have to prepare a Petition and Order to seal your record that will need to be submitted to the court. You or an attorney may prepare and submit the Petition and Order, a

Immigration and Sealing Your Record Before you seal your record, you should get certified dispositions of all the cases you are going to seal. You will need copies of your record for immigration purposes in the future if you are not an U.S. Citizen. If you seal your record, you will not be able to just pick up copies for your immigration case.  That is

Nevada allows the sealing of many criminal records, but does not allow you to expunge your record. However, sealing your record is beneficial. If the court orders your record sealed, the criminal record is deemed to never have occurred and you do not have to disclose it for employment purposes. Another benefit is that your record is taken off public databases, such as police and court

Can I Hide My Criminal Record In Nevada? Yes, in most cases you can. Nevada allows the sealing of certain criminal records, which hides it from the public view and allows you to deny it ever happened. There are of course certain requirements like the waiting period and staying out of trouble. Some crimes are not eligible as well, but most crimes are eligible. The

Under 21 years old and DUIs Nevada has a zero tolerance DUI law when it comes to people who are under the drinking age of 21 and their driver’s license. If you are younger than 21 years of age, your driver’s license may be suspended for 90 days if your blood alcohol content is ONLY .02 or above. If you are 21 or older it is

Can I Still Be Charged With a DUI If I Blow Under .08? YES, under impairment theory you can still be charged with a DUI. If you have alcohol in your system prosecutors may still try to prove your were under the influence. To do this they must prove the alcohol affected you to a degree that renders you incapable of safely driving or exercising

Pokemon, Cellphones and Strange People Walking Around. A Recipe For An Accidental Shooting? I found myself talking about justified shootings and cell phones the other day with my good friend who is also a cop and it dawned on me. Cell phones can be reasonably mistaken as a handgun in certain situations, hell they even make a handgun looking cellphone case (bad idea), and with